Kevin Hui

I'm a web developer with an evolving passion for new technology like android.

Full Stack Developer

A professional who works with both the front-end and back-end aspects of a web application. Handles everything from the user interface (using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) to the server, database, and application logic (using languages like Node.js). Essentially, full-stack developers can build and manage a complete web application from start to finish.

Android Develoepr

A professional who specializes in designing and building applications for devices running the Android operating system. Using programming languages like Java or Kotlin to create apps, focusing on user interface design, functionality, and performance. Android developers work with the Android SDK, APIs, and various tools to integrate features like GPS, camera, and notifications, ensuring the app functions smoothly on different devices and screen sizes.


Outside the working hours you may often find me working out at the gym and volenteer at my local animal shelter. I have always been an animeal lover of both dogs and cats, their cute/fierce expressions is the highlight.

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